Threads H264 Time / VP8 Time 1 1.02269813381452110736 2 1.13068889939404357729 3 1.15344848935116394254 4 1.14971003078685472900 5 1.31000634651999153797 6 1.28979763912310286677 7 1.25989492119089316987 8 1.32045589783494301277 Every video produced in the quality tests is decoded both for vp8 and h264 using ffmpeg. The total time spent decoding all the files is measured for both vp8 and h264 and above is the ratio of time spent decoding h264/time spent decoding vp8. A number of greater than 1 means that h264 took longer to decode than vp8. This was run once for each thread count 1 to 8.